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Six Short Days with Sarah

Today is my first international commute & to say I don’t want to be on this plane is an understatement. I will attempt to order the madness that last month has become.

Monday 4th- arrive to one of the best hugs I have ever had, followed by you guessed it, a G & T or 2.

Tuesday 5th- Pendado swimming with the puppy for the first time, well it was more supervising the Portuguese children who adopted him.

Wednesday 6th -The trip with Chester to get his papers & jabs from Ricardo the vet – he’s now officially Portuguese I registered him at the Camera before Phil or I even had residency.

Thursday 7th -While Sarah stayed, there was a lovely day out, Garry came round & we left Menina (his Portuguese rescue loon – sorry setter) & the newly discharged from the vets Lilo with Chester. Ricardo our country vet knew what the Royal Veterinary College couldn’t figure out earlier this year, she has tick fever & by all rights shouldn’t be with us any more but she is 😊.

The four of us went to Dornes for a morning on the lake, Carlos the boatman was lovely and really tried to communicate with us, then bifades & Superbocks on the way back we pretended there were no problems in our life for the day.

Friday 8th – a mooch around old Abrantes, then we take Phil to Tomar to the Table Tennis Club, I can’t say it was the most pleasurable drive I have ever done. The Via Verde month had expired so we were avoiding the toll road, 2 GPS in 1 vehicle is always a bad idea. Please learn that lesson from my experience.

My reward was on the way home we stopped in Zezere at back street Churresqueria, & had an absolutely lovely dinner & not Frango either, then on the road home we sighted the next round of forest fires & it was too close for comfort.

You can take the girls out of the hospital but you can’t take the hospital of the girls, we had a plan in less than 10 minutes, but that drive watching the flames made me feel sick with worry my boy was by himself for the first time & we didn’t know exactly how close the fire was; the wind was gusty and kept changing direction.

Back at the house, belongings were gathered, Chester’s’ cage went straight back into Victor & brought to the front of the house for a quick get away if it was needed. Then we piled into Sergio the Suzuki (including the Red One- there was no way was he being left on his own) & went to the monument to assess what we needed to do next. Worse case scenario was credit card & the hotel in VDR, fortunately it didn’t come to that but I can tell you it was a night of broken sleep. No wonder Phil ended up in hospital, it is the not knowing that is the worst bit.

Saturday 9th – The following 24hours was spent on the Fogos App following the fire & planning. However as they say life does go on so we went to VDR picnic shopping for the return road trip, more swimming at the lake, this time Fernendaires to see Vanessa & there were snails, they will never be top of my list for delicacies but I didn’t want to be rude; add alcohol either while cooking or eating most things will improve - not a bad rule of thumb

The Red One - Chester


Sunday 10th – My lovely husband left with one of my best friends and now it’s just me & Chester and time really does start to blur. I had decided to tell Meriça that we were here & I did with Google Translates help yet again. I hand wrote postcards & put them through letter boxes but amazingly I actually saw people who spoke to me although I still can’t understand them Rosa gave me a hug & kisses.

The time warp will be the next update, I hadn’t realised there was so much to remember for 6 short days.

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